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RWTH LogoInstitut für Statistik und Wirtschaftsmathematik


(Sortieren nach: Erscheinungsdatum | Titel)
Kateri, M. (2014). Contingency Table Analysis: Methods and Implementation Using R. Birkhäuser, New York. Verfügbar unter http://cta.isw.rwth-aachen.de
Cramer, E., Kamps, U., Kateri, M. & Burkschat, M. (2015). Mathematik für Ökonomen - Kompakter Einstieg für Bachelorstudierende (313 Seiten). München: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Agresti, A. & Kateri, M. (2022). Foundations of Statistics for Data Scientists: With R and Python. : Chapman and Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, ISBN 978-0-3677-445-6 (486 pages).. Verfügbar unter http://www.routledge.com/Foundations-of-Statistics-for-Data-Scientists-With-R-and-Python/Agresti-Kateri/p/book/9780367748456
Kateri, M. & Moustaki, I. (2023). Trends and Challenges in Categorical Data Analysis : Statistical Modelling and Interpretation. Switzerland: Springer.. Verfügbar unter http://https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-31186-4#about-this-book
Applied Publications (Sortieren nach: Erscheinungsdatum | Titel)
Bartzokas, A., Metaxas, D.A., Kateri, M. & Exarchos, N. (1991). Sea surface temperature in the Mediterranean. Statistical properties. Rivista di Meteorogia Aeronautica, V.LI-N. 1-2, 47-64
Marselos, M., Boutsouris, K., Liapi, H., Malamas, M., Kateri, M. & Papaioannou, T. (1997). Epidemiological aspects on the use of cannabis among university students in Greece. European Addiction Research, 3, 184-191
Danielides, V., Nousia, C.-S., Bartzokas, A., Lolis, C., Kateri, M. & Skevas, A. (2002). Weather conditions and sudden sensorineural hearing loss. BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders, 2:2, p.1-8. Verfügbar unter http://www.biomedcentral.com/browse/medicine/
Tzoufi, M., Mantas, Ch., Pappa, S., Kateri, M., Hyphantis, T., Pavlou, M., Mavreas, V. & Siamopoulou-Mavridou, A. (2005). The impact of childhood chronic neurological diseases on Greek families. Child: Care, Health and Development, 31, 109-115
Makis, A.C., Tzoufi, M., Kateri, M.D., Bourantas, K.L. & Papadopoulou, Z.L. (2005). Valproate-induced eosinophilia in children with epilepsy: role of interleukin-5. Child Neurol., 20, 150-152
Papadopoulos, A.A., Kateri, M., Triantafyllou, K., Ladas, K.D., Tzathas, C., Koutras, M. & Ladas, S. (2006). Hospitalisation rates for cholelithiasis and acute cholecystitis doubled for the aged population in Greece over the past 30 years. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 1-6
Papadopoulos, A.A., Polymeros, D., Ladas, D., Kateri, M., Tzathas, C., Koutras, M. & Ladas,, S.D. (2008). Dramatic decline of acute appendicitis in Greece over 30 years. Index of improvement of socioeconomic conditions or diagnostic aids?. Digestive Diseases, 26, 80-84
Gatzonis, S., Triantafyllou, N., Kateri, M., Siatouni, A., Angelopoulos, E. & Kimiskidis, V. (2010). The prognostic value of electroencephalography in epilepsy: a long-term follow-up study. Neurology International, 2, 73-76
Kaur, A. W., Ackels, T., Kuo, T.-H., Cichy, A., Dey, S., Hays, C., Kateri, M., Logan, D. W., Marton, T. F. , Spehr, M. & Stowers, L. (2014). Murine pheromone proteins constitute a context-dependent combinatorial Code Governing Multiple Social Behaviors. Cell, 157 (3), 676-688
Eryilmaz, S., Kateri, M. & Devrim, Y. (2023). Statistics and probability theory in renewable energy: Teaching and research. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 39, 720-729
Articles in Proceedings (Sortieren nach: Erscheinungsdatum | Titel)
Kateri, M. & Balakrishnan, N. (2006). “Statistical Evidence in Two-Way Contingency Tables”, International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Modeling in Honor of Enrique Castillo, June 28-30, 2006, pp. , 1-16
Kateri, M. & Agresti, A. (2015). “Ordinal effect size measures for group comparisons in models”, Proceedings of the 30st International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. , 244-248
Staerk, C., Kateri, M. & Ntzoufras, I. (2016). "An adaptiv subspace method for high-dimensional variable selection", Proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. , 295-300
Staerk, C. & Kateri, M. (2017). "Stable Variable Selection with AdaSub", Proceedings of the 32st International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. , 91-96
Kateri, M. (2017). "Step-Stress Experiments under Interval Monitoring", Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR 2017). , 1-5
Kateri, M. (2021). "Simple effect measures for interpreting generalized binary regression models", Book of Abstracts and Short Papers of the 13th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG 2021). , 129-132
Colombi, R., Giordano, S. & Kateri, M. (2021). "Accounting for response behavior in longitudinal rating data", Book of Abstracts and Short Papers of the 13th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG 2021). , 58-61
Colombi, R., Giordano, S. & Kateri, M. (2022). . A Responding Attitude Component in Hidden Markov Models: Proceedings of the 36th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, 129-133.
Kaufmann, L. & Kateri, M. (2023). Statistical inference for high-dimensional logistic regression: Variable selection and levels fusion for categorical covariates, Proceedings of the 37th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. , 139-143
Chapters in Edited Volumes (Sortieren nach: Erscheinungsdatum | Titel)
Burkschat, M., Kamps, U. & Kateri, M. (2015). Estimation in a model of sequential order statistics with ordered hazard rates. Ordered Data Analysis, Models, and Health Research Methods, a volume in honor of Professor H. N. Nagaraja/(Eds., P. Choudhary et al.), 149, 105-119
Kateri, M., Kamps, U. & Balakrishnan, N. (2011). Step-stress testing with multiple samples: The exponential case. In: Methods and Applications of Statistics in Engineering, Quality Control and the Step-stress testing with multiple samples: The exponential case. In: Physical Sciences (Eds., N. Balakrishnan et al.) (S.644-665). Hoboken: Wiley.
Anderson, C.J., Kateri, M. & Moustaki, I. (2023). Log-Linear and Log-Multiplicative Association Models for Categorical Data. In: Trends and Challenges in Categorical Data Analysis (Eds. M. Kateri and Irini Moustaki) (S.42 pages). (to appear): Springer.. Verfügbar unter
Kateri, M. & Nikolov, N. (2023). Marginals matrix under a generalized Mallows model based on the power divergence. Post-Proceedings of CLADAG2021 (Eds., M. Lupparelli et al.) (S.12 pages, to appear). : Springer Series: Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer .. Verfügbar unter
Kateri, M. (2023). Generalized Models for Binary and Ordinal Responses. Trends in Mathematical, Information and Data Sciences: A Tribute to Leandro Pardo (Eds., N. Balakrishnan et al.) (S.63-71). : Springer.. Verfügbar unter
Contribution in Discussion of Papers (Sortieren nach: Erscheinungsdatum | Titel)
Kateri, M. (2005). Discussion for the paper by Liu, I. and Agresti, A.. The analysis of ordered categorical data: An overview and a survey of recent developments’, Test, 14, (comment: P. 36-39), 1-73.
Agresti, A. & Kateri, M. (2019). Discussion for the paper by Piccolo, D. and Simone, R.: ‘The class of CUB models: statistical foundations, inferential issues and empirical evidence’. Statistical Methods & Applications, 28, 445-449
Kateri, M. (2021). Comment on the paper by Agresti, A.: The foundations of statistical science: A history of textbook presentations.". Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 35, 657-698
Kateri, M. (2024). Discussion of the paper by Tian, Q., Lewis-Beck, C., Niemi, J.B. and Meeker, W.Q.: ‘Specifying prior distributions in reliability applications. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 40, 125-126
Encyclopedia Entries (Sortieren nach: Erscheinungsdatum | Titel)
Kateri, M. (2008). Categorical data. Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Wiley.
Kateri, M. & Agresti, A. (2010). Categorical data analysis. Encyclopedia of Research Design, Sage.
Agresti, A. & Kateri, M. (2010). Categorical data analysis. International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Springer.
Kateri, M. (2021). Contingency table analysis. Encyclopedia of Research Design, 2nd ed., Sage.
Other Publications (Sortieren nach: Erscheinungsdatum | Titel)
Kateri, M. (1993). ‘Models in Two-Way Contingency Tables’. Biometrics, 49, 950-51.
Kateri, M. & Papaioannou, T. (2001). ‘Quasi Symmetry and Asymmetry Models for Contingency Tables’ in ‘projet QS’ (http:\www.lsp.ups-tlse.fr/Project_QS) of Laboratoire de Statistique et Probabilités, Université Paul Sabatier. , Toulouse
Published Articles (Sortieren nach: Erscheinungsdatum | Titel)
Kateri, M. (1993). Fitting asymmetry and non-independence models with GLIM. GLIM Newsletter, 22, 46-50
Kateri, M. & Papaioannou, T. (1995). f-divergence association models. International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Science, 3, 179-203
Kateri, M. & Papaioannou, T. (1996). Symmetry and asymmetry models for rectangular tables. Biometrical Journal, 38, 203-220
Kateri, M., Papaioannou, T. & Ahmad, R. (1996). New association models for the analysis of sets of two-way contingency tables. Statistica Applicata, 8, 537-551
Kateri, M. & Papaioannou, T. (1997). Asymmetry models for contingency tables. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, 1124-1131
Kateri, M., Ahmad, R. & Papaioannou, T. (1998). New features in the class of association models. Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 14, 125-136
Kateri, M., Papaioannou, T. & Dellaportas, P. (2001). Bayesian analysis of correlated proportions. Sankhya B, 63, 270 – 285
Kateri, M. & Papaioannou, T. (2003). A correspondence between point-symmetric and classical log-linear models. Metron, LXI, 5-11
Kateri, M. & Iliopoulos, G. (2003). On collapsing categories in two-way contingency tables. Statistics 37, 443-455
Kateri, M., Nicolaou, A. & Ntzoufras, I. (2005). Bayesian Inference for the RC(M) association model. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14, 116-138
Iliopoulos, G., Kateri, M. & Ntzoufras, I. (2007). Bayesian estimation of unrestricted and order-restricted association models for a two-way contingency table. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51, 4643-4655
Kateri, M. & Agresti, A. (2007). A class of ordinal quasi symmetry models for square contingency tables. Statistics & Probability Letters, 77, 598-603
Kateri, M. & Balakrishnan, N. (2008). Statistical evidence in contingency tables analysis. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138, 873-887
Balakrishnan, N. & Kateri, M. (2008). On the maximum likelihood estimation of parameters of Weibull distribution based on complete and censored data,. Statistics & Probability Letters, 78, 2971-2975
Kateri, M. & Balakrishnan, N. (2008). Inference for a simple step-stress model with type-II censoring and Weibull distributed lifetimes. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 57, 616-626
Balakrishnan, N., Castillo, E., Fernández-Canteli, A. & Kateri, M. (2009). An exponential model for damage accumulation. Communications in Statistics: Simulation & Computation, 38, 215-232
Balakrishnan, N., Beutner, E. & Kateri, M. (2009). Order restricted inference for exponential step-stress models. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 58, 132-142
Eleftheraki, A., Kateri, M. & Ntzoufras, I. (2009). Bayesian analysis of dependent 2x2 contingency tables. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 53, 2724-2732
Kateri, M., Kamps, U. & Balakrishnan, N. (2009). A meta-analysis approach for step-stress experiments. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 2907-2919
Iliopoulos, G., Kateri, M. & Ntzoufras, I. (2009). Bayesian model comparison for the order restricted RC association model. Psychometrika, 74, 561-587
Balakrishnan, N., Kamps, U. & Kateri, M. (2009). Minimal repair under step-stress test. Statistics & Probability Letters, 79, 1548-1558
Kateri, m & Agresti, A. (2010). A generalized regression model for a binary response. Statistics & Probability Letters, 80, 89-95
Burkschat, M., Kamps, U. & Kateri, M. (2010). Sequential order statistics with an order statistics prior. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 101, 1826-1836
Kateri, M., Kamps, U. & Balakrishnan, N. (2010). Multisample simple step-stren experiment under time constraints. Statistica Neerlandica, 64, 77-96.
Krampe, A., Kateri, M. & Kuhnt, S. (2011). Asymmetry models for square contingency tables: exact tests via algebraic statistics. Statistics and Computing, 21, 55-67
Kateri, M., Kamps, U. & Balakrishnan, N. (2011). Optimal allocation of change points in simple step-stress experiments under type-II censoring. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 55, 236 - 247
Kateri, M. (2011). On the comparison of two ordinal responses. Communications in Statistics: Theory & Methods, 40, 3748–3763
Balakrishnan, N., Kamps, U. & Kateri, M. (2012). A sequential order statistics approach to step-stress testing. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 64, 303-318
Kateri, M. & Dellaportas, P. (2012). Conditional symmetry models for three-way contingency tables. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142, 2430-2439
Kateri, M. & Agresti, A. (2013). Bayesian inference about odds ratio structure in ordinal contingency tables. Environmetrics, 24, 281-288
Touloumis, A., Agresti, A. & Kateri, M. (2013). GEE for multinomial responses using a local odds ratios parameterization. Biometrics, 69, 633-640
Burkschat, M., Kamps, U. & Kateri, M. (2013). Estimating scale parameters under an order statistics prior. Statistics & Risk Modeling, 30, 205-219
Agresti, A. & Kateri, M. (2014). Some remarks on latent variable models in categorical data analysis. Communications in Statistics: Theory & Methods, 43, 801-814
Kateri, M. & Kamps, U. (2015). Inference in step-stress models based on failure rates. Statistical Papers, 56, 639-660
Bedbur, S., Kamps, U. & Kateri, M. (2015). Meta-analysis of general step-stress experiments under repeated Type-II censoring. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39, 2261-2275
Kateri, M., Mohammadi, F. & Sturmfels, B. (2015). A family of quasisymmetry models. Journal of Algebraic Statistics, 6, 1-16
Bobotas, P. & Kateri, M. (2015). The step-stress tampered failure rate model under interval monitoring. Statistical Methodology, 27, 100-122
Espendiller, M. & Kateri, M. (2016). A family of association measures for 2×2 contingency tables based on the φ-divergence. Statistical Methodology, 35, 45-61
Kateri, M., Gottard, A. & Tarantola, C. (2017). Generalized quasi symmetry models for ordinal contingency tables. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 59, 239-253
Kateri, M. & Kamps, U. (2017). Hazard rate modeling of step-stress experiments. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, 4, 147-168
Agresti, A. & Kateri, M. (2017). Ordinal probability effect measures for group comparisons in multinomial cumulative link models. Biometrics, 73, 214-219
Kateri, M. (2018). φ-Divergence in Contingency Table Analysis. Entropy, 20, 1-12
Pham, T.M. & Kateri, M. (2018). Inference for ordinal log-linear models based on algebraic statistics. Journal of Algebraic Statistics, 10, 30-50
Kohl, C. & Kateri, M. (2019). Bayesian analysis for step-stress accelerated life testing under progressive interval censoring. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 35, 234-246
Bobotas, P. & Kateri, M. (2019). Optimal designs for step-stress models under interval censoring. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 13, 30 pages
Johnen, M., Schmitz, C., Kateri, M. & Kamps, U. (2020). Fitting lifetime distributions to interval censored cyclic-aging data of lithium-ion batteries. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 143, 106418:1-11
Staerk, C., Kateri, M. & Ntzoufras, I. (2021). High-dimensional variable selection via low-dimensional adaptive learning. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 15, 830-879
Forcina, A. & Kateri, M. (2021). A new general class of RC association models: Estimation and main properties. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 184, 104741
Johnen, M., Pitzen, S., Kamps, U., Kateri, M., Dechent, P. & Sauer, D.U. (2021). Modeling long-term capacity degradation of lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Energy Storage, 34, 102011:1-10
Kateri, M. (2021). Families of Generalized Quasisymmetry Models: A φ-Divergence Approach. Symmetry, 13, 2297
Kornely, M.J.K. & Kateri, M. (2022). Asymptotic posterior normality of multivariate latent traits in an IRT model. Psychometrika, 87, 1146-1172
Kateri, M. & Nikolov, I.N. (2022). A generalized Mallows model based on ϕ-divergence measures. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 190, 104958
Stanghellini, E. & Kateri, M. (2022). Exact mediation analysis for ordinal outcome and binary mediator. Epidemiology, 33, 840-842
Staerk, C., Kateri, M. & Ntzoufras, I. (2022). A Metropolized adaptive subspace algorithm for high-dimensional Bayesian variable selection. Bayesian Analysis, 19, 261-291
Schmitz, C., Kamps, U. & Kateri, M. (2023). A longitudinal degradation set-up for calendar aging of lithium-ion batteries in view of sparse experimental data. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 40, 710-724
Colombi, R., Giordano, S. & Kateri, M. (2023). Hidden Markov models for longitudinal rating data with dynamic response styles. Statistical Methods and Applications, 33, 1–36
Iannario, M., Kateri, M. & Tarantola, C. (2024). Modelling scale effects in rating data: a Bayesian approach. Quality & Quantity, (published) 1-20
Kateri, M. & Nikolov, N.I. (2024). Scale tests for a multilevel step-stress model with exponential lifetimes under Type-II censoring. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 232, 106152
Buono, F. & Kateri, M. (2024). Aging intensity for step-stress accelerated life testing experiments. Entropy, 26 (417), 18 pages
Eryilmaz, S. & Kateri, M. (2024). Estimating the parameter of a geometric distribution from series system data. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 450, 115991
Kateri, M. & Nikolov, N.I. (2024 a). Product of spacings estimation in step-stress accelerated life testing: An alternative to maximum likelihood. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, IEEE Xplore, 1-13
Kateri, M. & Nikolov, N.I. (2024 b). Maximum product of spacings Estimator under Type-I censoring with an application to a step-stress model with Weibull lifetimes. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 10, 1-15